Respuesta :
my name is Mia and i am 15 years old. my life is crazy. i have a very annoying twin brother, Alex. i also have a little sister called Millie and a little brother called max. They are very sweet, little brothers and sisters, and I love them very much, as do I love my parents and Alex. you may be wondering how crazy my life is? Ok i will tell you. it takes my week:
Monday - I woke up, washed my face and wiped the putty just like normal people. then I went downstairs to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast for the family because that’s my day I took. after we have breakfast, i all want to go to school. when school is over for me and i will always go to the middlemen with our friends. then we go home and do our homework.
Tuesday - the same, but cooks instead.
Wednesday - I'm preparing.
Alex and I are cooking together on Thursday.
Friday and dad cook.
yesterday and Sunday - parents prepare breakfast. they made me and my freindi go do some cool things and i don't know what does Alex do.
I will not say that we have more fun than that, and of course they get very good marks.
thanks for listening, i really regret it.
goodbye and have a nice day
my name is mia and i am 15 years old. my life is crazy. i have a very annoying twin brother, alex. i also have a little sister called millie and a little brother called max. They are very sweet, little brothers and sisters, and I love them very much, as do I love my parents and Alex. you may be wondering how crazy my life is? ok i will tell you. it takes my week:
Monday - I woke up, washed my face and wiped the putty just like normal people. then I went downstairs to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast for the family because that’s my day I took. after we have breakfast, i all want to go to school. when school is over for me and i will always go to the middlemen with our friends. then we go home and do our homework.
Tuesday - the same, but cooks instead.
Wednesday - I'm preparing.
Alex and I are cooking together on Thursday.
friday and dad cook.
yesterday and sunday - parents prepare breakfast. they made me and my freindi go do some cool things and i don't know what does alex do.
I will not say that we have more fun than that, and of course they get very good marks.
thanks for listening, i really regret it.
goodbye and have a nice day. :)