can someone translate this to english?
mans vārds ir mia un man ir 15 gadu. mana dzīve ir traka. man ir ļoti kaitinošs dvīņu brālis, alex. arī man ir maza māsa, kuru sauc par Millie, un mazais brālis, kuru sauc par max. Viņi ir ļoti mīļi, mazi brāļi un māsas, un es viņus ļoti mīlu, kā arī mīlu savus vecākus un Aleksu. jums varbūt rodas jautājums, cik mana dzīve ir traka? labi es jums teikšu. tā paiet mana nedēļa:
pirmdien- es pamostos, nomazgāju seju un noslaucu tepi tāpat kā normāli cilvēku biengi. tad es dodos lejā uz virtuvi un sāku gatavot brokastis ģimenei, jo tā ir mana diena, ko paņēmu. pēc tam, kad esam paēduši brokastis, es visi vēlamies doties uz skolu. kad skola ir beigusies man, un es vienmēr došos uz makdonaliem ar mūsu draugiem. tad mēs ejam mājās un darām mājas darbus.
otrdiena - tā pati, bet gan pavāri tā vietā.
trešdien- es gatavoju.
ceturtdien es un Alekss gatavojam kopā.
piektdiena un tētis pavārs.
vakar un svētdien - vecāki gatavo brokastis. viņi mani un mani freindi iet darīt dažas foršas lietas, un es nezinu, ko dara Alex.
Es neteikšu, ka vairāk kā mums ir jautri, un, protams, viņi saņem ļoti labas atzīmes.
paldies, ka klausījāties, es to tiešām nožēloju.
ardievas un jauku dienu. :)

Respuesta :



my name is Mia and i am 15 years old. my life is crazy. i have a very annoying twin brother, Alex. i also have a little sister called Millie and a little brother called max. They are very sweet, little brothers and sisters, and I love them very much, as do I love my parents and Alex. you may be wondering how crazy my life is? Ok i will tell you. it takes my week:

Monday - I woke up, washed my face and wiped the putty just like normal people. then I went downstairs to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast for the family because that’s my day I took. after we have breakfast, i all want to go to school. when school is over for me and i will always go to the middlemen with our friends. then we go home and do our homework.

Tuesday - the same, but cooks instead.

Wednesday - I'm preparing.

Alex and I are cooking together on Thursday.

Friday and dad cook.

yesterday and Sunday - parents prepare breakfast. they made me and my freindi go do some cool things and i don't know what does Alex do.

I will not say that we have more fun than that, and of course they get very good marks.

thanks for listening, i really regret it.

goodbye and have a nice day


my name is mia and i am 15 years old. my life is crazy. i have a very annoying twin brother, alex. i also have a little sister called millie and a little brother called max. They are very sweet, little brothers and sisters, and I love them very much, as do I love my parents and Alex. you may be wondering how crazy my life is? ok i will tell you. it takes my week:
Monday - I woke up, washed my face and wiped the putty just like normal people. then I went downstairs to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast for the family because that’s my day I took. after we have breakfast, i all want to go to school. when school is over for me and i will always go to the middlemen with our friends. then we go home and do our homework.
Tuesday - the same, but cooks instead.
Wednesday - I'm preparing.
Alex and I are cooking together on Thursday.
friday and dad cook.
yesterday and sunday - parents prepare breakfast. they made me and my freindi go do some cool things and i don't know what does alex do.
I will not say that we have more fun than that, and of course they get very good marks.
thanks for listening, i really regret it.
goodbye and have a nice day. :)
Universidad de Mexico