For each of the goods, identify the characteristics that describe each good. Note that each good will be described with two characteristics. Rivalrous is also referred to as rival in consumption. Consider only the immediate benefits and costs, not any externalities.

national defense
Pay-Per-View cable television
a Hot Pocket sandwich
private classroom education
a unicycle


Respuesta :

Answer: PLEASE  see below for answer

Explanation: An excludable good is referred to as a private good which restrict people from using them while a non excludable goods are public goods that do not place restriction an so  people can access them eg park .

Also, Non-rivalrous goods are those goods that even though consumed by the people will not cause shortage of the  availability of the same goods to others.   A rivalrous good is the opposite as it causes shortage in availability  to others when used.

National Defence----Non excludable and Non Rivalrous

Pay-Per-View cable television---Excludable and NonRivalrous

a Hot Pocket sandwich--- Excludable and Rivalrous

private classroom education--- Excludable and Rivalrous

pajamas--- Excludable and Rivalrous

a unicycle ---- Excludable and Rivalrous

Universidad de Mexico