
For this week I have an interesting exercise that will take you around the world in search of music. This is how it’s going to work. You will use the second letter of your first name. You will use that letter and find a country that starts with that letter. For example, my name is “Oscar” my second letter in that name is “S.” I will find a country that starts with the letter “S” i.e. Sierra Leon, Singapore, Suriname, Swaziland and there are many other countries that start with “S.” You will then do some research to find out the #1 one song in the country you picked. After you find out the #1 song you will give it a genre. Where does that song fall in the genres of music? Is it rap, rock, blues, electronic or a local genre that we just don’t know about yet? I want you to post the name of the country, the song Title and the artist.

The second letter in my name is R!!