The global positioning system uses a network of satellites to determine the latitude, longitude, and elevation of a specific area. True or False.

Respuesta :

True, GPS Uses Latitude,Longitude,Elavation(x,y,z) To Locate




GPS stands for Global Positioning System, and consists of satellite tracking technology.

GPS receivers, like satellites,  have an internal clock that marks the time with incredibly high accuracy in nanoseconds. When the satellite sends the signal to the receiver, the time it left the satellite is also sent.

The sending of these signals is constant. This signal sent to the receiver is a radio signal, which travels at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second (this speed is known as the speed of light !!) in a vacuum. It remains for the receiver to calculate how many nanoseconds this signal took to reach him, so he can "figure out" where you are. And because the signal is constantly being sent, the receiver always knows where the satellite is, thus keeping its exact position always up to date.

GPS uses a system called triangulation to determine the location of the receiver on earth. The triangulation works as follows: three satellites send the signal to the receiver, which calculates how long each signal took to reach it.

In addition to its terrestrial location, the GPS receiver can also know the receiver's height from sea level, but a fourth satellite is required.