
Which statistic is most closely related to climate?
1. Average yearly snowfall in Denver is 55 inches.
2. Last February was unusually warm in the Northeast.
3. There is an ongoing drought in central Georgia.
4. Wind speeds in Chicago topped 30 mph

Respuesta :



1. Average yearly snowfall in Denver is 55 inches.


The statistics that is most closely related to climate would be average yearly snowfall in Denver is 55 inches.

Climate generally refers to the average weather pattern in a given area over a relatively long period of time (about 30 years). Climatic factors include temperature, amount of precipitation, amount of sunlight, the speed of the wind, etc.

Statistics relating to climate are usually measure in averages. Hence, options 2, 3, and 4 are wrong as they do not represent averages.

The correct option is option 1.