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the cia assassinated some world leaders, they are responsible for numerous civil wars, and they also invade people privacy by monitoring people lives without them know sometime. There are many other reasons but these are the top reasons.


A. The CIA spied on American citizens.

B. The CIA assassinated world leaders.

C. The CIA played a role in the Watergate scandal.


People typically mistrust that which has no public  accountability, which is particular acute in the case of the CIA.  In addition, there have throughout the 20th Century been many  secret polices which detain people without sufficient legal probable cause and many people believe that the CIA is either  involved in similar activities or is on the verge of being involved  in those types of activities. Certainly the CIA monitors the lives. of people considered "undesirables" based on certain criteria and  they lessen that person's right to privacy. This of course leaves out that the CIA is directly responsible  for a number of civil wars and resultant brutal dictatorial regimes  in other nations (especially in Latin America) which caused  numerous deaths, economic problems, and social issues.