PLS IN YOUR OWN WORDS Write a conclusion to your article about JELLYFISH. Use a conclusion transition phrase to begin your conclusion paragraph. Rephrase your thesis. Summarize the main ideas in your article. Use a clincher. Write four or more sentences in your conclusion paragraph. Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Write in the third person point of view.

Respuesta :


While jellyfish populations have been reportedly increasing, some argue that the recent reports of jellyfish blooms have been noticed because of the negative effects that ensue. Because jellyfish like Protozoans are primary focuses in scientific studies due to their individual largeness, conspicuous nature, and most of all, their negative impacts on economic endeavors in the ocean, scientists argue that "it is debatable that jellyfish as a group are increasing" Many studies focus on specific jellyfish groups rather than global or widespread Explanation:


All things considered; the jellyfish situation is serious but reasonable. The jellyfish have invaded the sea and harmed ecological and fishery industries that were a need to people and what they relied on. The blooming and swarming of these creatures were harmful and yet effective it gave the humans a lot more difficulties. Unlike this, the jellyfish harmed the humans by eating and congestion of the filters of nuclear power plants, this all the jellyfish ever did to cause all these problems. The invasion of the jellyfish should be taken seriously. It should not be an impossible situation, but as a call to action. Armed with knowledge and proven solutions, the scientists and the industries continue to study the jellyfish that are blooming rapidly in order to avoid these problems. With the help and teamwork of the scientists and industries together they can help all the people like the fisherman to catch a fish and have a living and the people who need help keeping their filter of nuclear power plants working with no issues of obstruction. The jellyfish would be defeated, and all the people would go back to having a non-difficult time but and easy life to rely on.  
