You are going to write an essay about the life of a person whom you admire.

Which two organizational aids could you use, and why?

You can use a sequence chart or a timeline. Both organizational aids allow you to present the events of the person's life in order of occurrence.

Respuesta :


An essay is a comprehensive narrated passage that is usually written in the form of a description of someone's life or any of the elongated topics.

The organizational aids are a help to the readers to get the message of the author or the poet. The author uses some of the defined organizational aids or organized words to make the content interesting for the readers.


I am admired and inspired by the writings of Shakespeare. Most of his writings are of the children's story including the various attires of the childhood days, the fun we had, and the restless life we lived over in those fun and joy days. Shakespeare has known for his famous critique writings as well as the poems for nature and children. His way of criticizing and admiring and then appraising the surroundings we live in is the most unique and different. The organizational aids he prefers are mostly from the daily experience life of the person.

He writes mostly on the words picked up by the daily frequent words of the normal life of a human being. The organizational words include the comparison charts used by him between any of the things.

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