Respuesta :
Aztecs no one knows for sure where the Aztecs came from the Mystik desert a place that nobody knows where is called Aztlán some of the theories place it on the Pacific coast others in northern Mexico but in reality it is not known with certainty perhaps due to that for a long time the Aztecs were a semi-nomadic people who, according to the legend, were driven out from everywhere by their main god or if he ordered them to leave Aztlán in search of a better place to live after an indefinite time of travel they reached the valley of what is today Mexico City of course that the fertile arias were already occupied by more powerful tribes to whom they had to pay your tribute in order not to be destroyed were not welcome anywhere due to their not to be destroyed they were not welcome and nowhere due to their barbaric customs and their warlike character even in the same valley they asked in various places until they were bordered on the side of the swamp interestingly it was in that swamp where they finally gave the signal given by their god of the place where they should found their city that of an eagle stopping on a cactus devouring a snake is called ABBA what a night for which the city they founded was called a plan in the year 1325 in the following years the Aztecs, I is actually called themselves, follow me, they dedicated themselves to building the city and strengthening themselves as a nation through battles and alliances, the Mexica and their allies positioned themselves with the strongest group AND your allies positioned themselves with the strongest group in the valley of Mexico and its plan city with a population of 200,000 inhabitants of the most populated city not only in the valley but perhaps in the entire world the city itself had a complex system of channels for traffic between the different quadrants and sections of the city there were 20 districts with their streets there were aqueducts that supplied fresh water and the houses had latrines in addition there were public latrines the fall of the city and the empire are recorded on 13 august 1521 by the forces led by the Spanish Hernán Cortés and his allies who were the enemies of the Mexica, the city was besieged for several months and although many of its inhabitants died in battle, many more died from the new diseases brought by the Spaniards and against whom the inhabitants of that continent had no defense with the destroyed city and its leaders dead proud Mexican nation It was reduced to captivity today still lives in descendants of the original Mexica who speak their language and you can see remains of the great Tenochtitlán in the center of Mexico City
Write a summary of this passage. What are the most important points? Your answer must be at least
two paragraphs.
- your welcome lol
Write a summary of this passage. What are the most important points? Your answer must be at least
two paragraphs.
- your welcome lol
El resumen del texto es el siguiente:
Aunque no se sabe el lugar de origen de los Aztecas, se reconoce que salieron de un lugar llamado Aztlán, tras lo cual después de ser desplazados por muchas tribus asentadas en el valle de México, se situaron en lo que hoy se conoce como ciudad de México.
Para el año 1325, los llamados Mexicas se habían constituido la tribu más fuerte del valle de México gracias a sus alianzas y su habilidad para la batalla, llegando a poseer 200.000 habitantes y consolidarse como la tribu más poblada.
La ciudad de Tenochtitlán tenía gran tecnología para su época, como una división en veinte distritos, calles, acueductos y letrinas en los hogares.
Su deceso ocurrió en 1521 tras la llegada de Hernán Cortés, debido a las batallas y las enfermedades traídas por los españoles, fueron reducidos al cautiverio, dejando solo unos pocos descendientes directos en la actualidad.
Elaboración de un resumen.
Para realizar un resumen adecuado y estructurado, primero se debe leer varias veces el texto hasta comprender cada una de las ideas mencionadas en este, luego se deben separar aquellas ideas relevantes.
Una vez se tenga cada idea relevante por separado, se le debe dar un orden cronológico para crear un resumen fluido, e utilizar cada idea principal como foco de un párrafo.
En el resumen creado, primero se habla de los orígenes de los Mexica, a continuación de su apogeo como tribu, luego de sus adelantos tecnológicos y por último de su caída, utilizando un correcto orden cronológico y gramatical.
Si quieres aprender un poco más sobre los Aztecas, puedes visitar el siguiente enlace: