You sold 12 plants for $5.00 each. You purchase seeds at the Dollar Store for .50 a pack. The plant container costs $2.00 each. What is the profit or loss?

Respuesta :

Answer: Well, first this relies on whether or not a pack plants twelve plants or just one. For the sake of this question, I will assume they plant one. Each plant costs two dollars and fifty cents to plant, and each are sold for five dollars, making two dollars and fifty cents profit on each. 12 times 2.5 is thirty dollars of profit total.



$35.50 profit


Revenue = $60  (as 12 x 5) = £60)

Plant container $24 (as 2 x 12 = $24)

Seeds $0.50

Subtraction from Revenue = 60-24-0.50 = $35.50

As you would have bought plant pots separately, and each are $2 and because you wouldn't have used these for growing for seed, only for sales and replanting, having used a seedling tray as extra and not shown these costs- each plant therefore would require a plant container priced $2 each.