Respuesta :
Sorry it is in Java, though you can covert it using converter
public class Exercise {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int positives = 0; // Count the number of positive numbers
int negatives = 0; // Count the number of negative numbers
int count = 0; // Count all numbers
double total = 0; // Accumulate a totol
// Promopt the user to enter an integer or 0 to exit
System.out.print("Enter an integer, the input ends if it is 0: ");
int number = input.nextInt();
if (number == 0) { // Test for sentinel value
System.out.println("No numbers are entered except 0");
while (number != 0) {// Test for sentinel value
if (number > 0)
positives++; // Increase positives
negatives++; // Increase negatives
total += number; // Accumulate total
count++; // Increase the count
number = input.nextInt();
// Calculate the average
double average = total / count;
// Display results
"The number of positive is " + positives +
"\nThe number of negatives is " + negatives +
"\nThe total is total " + total +
"\nThe average is " + average);