With help from the marketing department, engineers at Easy Electronics have designed a new type of cable modem that is easier to install in computers and more reliable than any cable modems currently in use. The marketing managers want to find away to identify the new modem in the minds of consumers and differentiate it from less sophisticated products made by Easy's competitors. An important part of this effort is likely to be the selection of a __________ for the new modem.

A. patent

B.brand name

C. copyright

D. prototype

Respuesta :

Answer: B.brand name

Explanation: A brand name is a name used by a manufacturer to identify of differentiate its products or services. such is a service in this case it is a single line of product a cable modem. to differentiate theirs from others already in the market a brand name would be needed For example, addidas is the brand name used on most products manufactured by addidas, from this example, the business name adidas and brand name addidas are the sam.