. Provide a one-paragraph summary of the key issues as you see them in this case. 2. How would you describe Rinaldi's influence tactics? Cite at least two concepts from the course text or other literature used in this course to justify your response, and relate them to specific examples of her behavior. 3. What are Rinaldi's sources of power? Cite at least one concept from the course text or other literature used in this course to justify your response. 4. What conflict management style is Rinaldi using? Is it working for her? Cite at least two concepts from the course text or other literature used in this course to justify your response, and relate them to her behavior.

Respuesta :


Rinaldi is using the strategy and Bases of Power


Bases of Power

1. reward power- granting rewards/benefits

2. coercive power-threats or actual punishment

3. legitimate power- based on position or formal authority

4. expert power- sharing knowledge#) expert power = specialized knowledge and skill (Gerald example)

5. referent power-power of one’s personality (charisma) Most powerful: expert + referent power because they are positively related to employees’ satisfaction with supervision, their commitment and their performance.

To create DEPENDENCY in power relationships:



3)non-substitutability9 Generic Influence Tactics:

1)Rational persuasion(best tactic to use with bosses because they respect the expertise of a well-made argument)

2)Inspirational appeals (build enthusiasm by appealing to emotions)

3)Consultation (gettings other to participate in planning and making changes)

4)Ingratiation(getting someone in a good mood prior to making requests)examples: self-presentation, favor doing, opinion conformity Humor’s effectiveness as an ingratiation strategy...

5)Personal appeals (referring to friendship/loyalty)

6 Exchange (implied promises + trading favors)

7 Coalition tactics (getting others to support your effort to persuade)

8 Pressure (demanding compliance w/ intimidation)

9 Legitimating tactics (basing a request on one’s authority, rule, policies)Most effective! = rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, & consultationImpression Management techniques:

1. Conformity (form of ingratiation)

2. Favors (form of ingratiation)

3. Excuses (defensive IM technique)

4. Apologies (defensive IM technique)

5. Self-promotion (self-focused IM technique)○in general, used more than ingratiation

ingratiating always works because both interviewers and supervisors like to be treated nicely

Enhancement (self-focused IM technique)

Flattery (assertive IM technique)