Respuesta :
Rinaldi is using the strategy and Bases of Power
Bases of Power
1. reward power- granting rewards/benefits
2. coercive power-threats or actual punishment
3. legitimate power- based on position or formal authority
4. expert power- sharing knowledge#) expert power = specialized knowledge and skill (Gerald example)
5. referent power-power of one’s personality (charisma) Most powerful: expert + referent power because they are positively related to employees’ satisfaction with supervision, their commitment and their performance.
To create DEPENDENCY in power relationships:
3)non-substitutability9 Generic Influence Tactics:
1)Rational persuasion(best tactic to use with bosses because they respect the expertise of a well-made argument)
2)Inspirational appeals (build enthusiasm by appealing to emotions)
3)Consultation (gettings other to participate in planning and making changes)
4)Ingratiation(getting someone in a good mood prior to making requests)examples: self-presentation, favor doing, opinion conformity Humor’s effectiveness as an ingratiation strategy...
5)Personal appeals (referring to friendship/loyalty)
6 Exchange (implied promises + trading favors)
7 Coalition tactics (getting others to support your effort to persuade)
8 Pressure (demanding compliance w/ intimidation)
9 Legitimating tactics (basing a request on one’s authority, rule, policies)Most effective! = rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, & consultationImpression Management techniques:
1. Conformity (form of ingratiation)
2. Favors (form of ingratiation)
3. Excuses (defensive IM technique)
4. Apologies (defensive IM technique)
5. Self-promotion (self-focused IM technique)○in general, used more than ingratiation
ingratiating always works because both interviewers and supervisors like to be treated nicely
Enhancement (self-focused IM technique)
Flattery (assertive IM technique)