Here are some differences
The differences and some facts-
This element is also malleable, soft, its also ductile metal with high thermal and electrical conductivity.
- Its symbol is 'Cu'
- Its melting point is 1,984°F which is 1,085°C
- The density is 8.96 g/cm near room temperature
- Copper doesn't rust but it corrodes, which makes it turns from its natural brown to a bright green.
This is an alloy, it is also much harder than copper, and its less ductile. Bronze also turns green due to chemical reactions between copper in the alloys and the atmosphere.
- Bronze is copper colored
- There is no odor
- Its melting point is from 950 degrees C to to 1050 degrees C
- Bronze has a relative density of ~8.8 g/cc.
- Bronze is a strong conductor of heat.
This is another chemical element . Iron is less dense than bronze, this can also be bent very easily, but bronze cannot be. Bronze is also stronger than iron.
- Its symbol is 'Fe'
- Its melting point is 2,800°F which is 1,538°C
- The density is 7.874 g/cm near room temperature
- Iron is also the sixth most common element in the universe.