Sasha calls her team of nurses in to her office. Since she's busy, she
continues writing work reports as the nurses come to talk with her. "Our
team's patient satisfaction reviews have slipped in ratings. We need to
develop more effective strategies for communicating with patients," Sasha
says as she continues typing. The nurses leave her office with little concern
about the patient ratings. What do you think Sasha could've done differently
to use more effective communication?
A. Sasha could've used harsher words so the nurses would
understand how important her message was.
B. Sasha could've sent an informal email to deliver her message to
save time.
C. Sasha could've talked directly to the nurses and used facial
expression to demonstrate that her message was serious.
D. Sasha could've used jargon in her message that her team often
uses so that they would feel comfortable and relaxed.