Consider the following code segment: Loop: LD F2, 0(R1) LD F4, 0(R2) ADD F6, F2, F4 ADD F6, F6, F6 ST F6, 0(R1) ADDI R1, R1, 8 ADDI R2, R2, 8 BNE R1, R3, Loop Show the loop unrolled so that there are two copies of the original loop body. Assume that original loop will repeat an even number of times. Show stalls after scheduling.

Respuesta :


We consider CPU execution time on an unloaded system.

» Basic measure of performance:

– CPU Time = X  

– The clock in a digital system creates a sequence of hardware signals; hardware  

events must occur at these predefined clock ticks . The clock cycle time or just clock  

cycle, or even clock period is the time between two clock ticks.

– Clock cycle time is measured in nanoseconds (10-9sec) or microseconds (10-6sec)  

– Clock rate = is measured in MegaHertz (MHz) (106 cycles/sec)  

machine X
