Aubrey and Logan got married when they were in school. They are very busy with their studies and work schedule that they rarely find time for each other. As a result, they are unhappy with their marriage and have considered divorce. They have only few strengths and need to work together on multiple areas if they want to save their marriage. According to Olson et al. (2008), identify the type of married couples that Aubrey and Logan most likely exemplify in this scenario.

Respuesta :


devitalized marriage


The research used 10 parameters to "measure" a marriage's happiness: communication, couple closeness, couple flexibility, personality compatibility,  conflict resolution, sexuality, leisure activities, family and friends, financial management and spiritual beliefs.

Devitalized couples basically score very low on all 10 areas and at least one spouse is considering or has considered divorce. They are very unhappy with their marriage and have very few areas in which they are actually happy with each other.


The type of marriage is devitalized marriage.