If stock is continued to hold $107,100, $153,000, $209,100.
The first step is to calculate the value of your portfolio if u simply continued to hold the shares.
The stock holding = 5100
the current price = 30
The value of the portfolio is = 5100 * 30 =$ 153,000
The strike price= $21
The portfolio value is = 5100 * $21 = $107,100
The stock price = 5100 * $41 = $209,100
The value of the portfolio calculation (net option proceed)
The current price =$30
Value of portfolio = Holding value + received from call option + paid to buy option
=5100 * 30 + 5100 * 1-5100 * 2
= $147,900
The strike price = $21
The January stock price = $ 25
The profit of option selling = $25 -$21 = $4 * 5100 = $20, 400
Value of portfolio = Holding value + received from call option + paid to buy option
= 5100 * 21 + 5100 * 1-5100 *2 + $20,400
which is = $122,400
The strike price = $4
The selling option loss = $41-$35= $6 * 5100 = $30,600
Value of portfolio = Holding value + received from call option + paid to buy option
which is = 5100 * 41 + 5100 * 1-5100 * 2 + $30,600
= $173, 400
Stock price $21 $30 $41
if collar used $122,400 $147,900 $173,400
If stock is continued to hold stocks$107,100 $153,000 $209,100