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Trade between the middle east brought the black death to europe because some of the trading ships passing the trade route was infested with rats that carried the plague.


The Black death also referred to as the bubonic plague was pandemic that was brought about by trade between the Middle East and Europe on the silk road. This plagues killed over 30 to 50 million people when it started from the year 1346 to 1352.

The black death was caused by a Enterobacter bacteria called Yersinia pestis which is present in the vector flea called Oriental rat flea carried by host which were rodents(rats). The rats infested the trading ships from Genoese who came to Europe via Italy. The Black death spread from Asia, down to Europe, Africa and finally the Middle East.

This disease spread from animal to human as well as human to human contact. The characteristics symptoms of this disease includes the presence of boils on the body of the sick that turned sores and the sores eventually became black, hence the name black death. Other symptoms included warm, swollen lymph nodes in the groin or armpit, very high fever, headaches, muscle pain after which death was the end result for some people.


Trade between the middle east brought black death to Europe because the black death spread through trade routes and when people travel along these trade routes the brought the plague with them and infected others with it.


The  medieval silk road is a trade route through which goods, ideas and spices are brought from China and central Asia to Europe, resulting to the spread of the plague in Europe. The black death was an epidemic that happened between 1347 and 1400 spread through contacts with animals. which rat was one of. Rats lived with humans at that time thus increasing the spread of the disease.

Historians named the plague 'Black death', blaming Trade for the spread of the disease. because of the movement of goods through trade routes, The plague had a devastating effect on the world in the mid fourteen century. The plague established itself in central Asia and started spreading to the middle East, Northern African and Europe.