Read these excerpts from Fever 1793 and The Summer of the Pestilence. Fiction: Fever 1793 Grandfather stayed silent until we approached a limping man dressed in dark rags, pushing a cart. "Wonder where that fellow’s going?" he said. "Looks like he belongs on the waterfront." A thin white arm flopped over the side of the cart as it jostled over the cobblestones. "Hullo, there, good man!" called Grandfather. "There is no place for the dead up here. Hullo!" The man ignored us and pressed on steadily. Nonfiction: The Summer of the Pestilence For the dead—it is becoming a matter of great difficulty to procure coffins in which to bury them. Should any thing like the same proportion die from among those now sick which have died hitherto, I fear we shall be driven to the necessity of burying in pits, as has been done in New Orleans, and as was done during the great plague in London. How do these excerpts show the attitude of the population toward the sick and the dead? The first uses dialogue and character; the second uses first-person point of view. The first uses dialogue and setting; the second uses figurative language. The first uses facts and characterization; the second uses details. The first uses figurative language; the second uses characterization.