The following is a list of metals and alloys:Plain carbon steel MagnesiumBrass ZincGray cast iron Tool steelPlatinum AluminumStainless steel TungstenTitanium alloy Select from this list the one metal or alloy that is best suited for each of the following applications, and cite at least one reason for your choice:a) The block of an internal combustion engine.b) Condensing heat exchanger for steam.c) Jet engine turbofan blades.d) Drill bit.e) Cryogenic (i.e. very low temperature) container.f) As a pyrotechnic (i.e. in flares and fireworks).g) High-temperature furnace elements to be used in oxidizing atmospheres

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(a) Gray cast iron would be the best decision for a engine block since it is generally simple to cast, is wear safe, has great vibration damping attributes, and is moderately cheap.  

(b) Stainless steel would be the best decision for a heat exchanger to consolidate steam since it is consumption impervious to the steam and condensate.  

(c) Titanium alloys are the best decision for fast airplane fly motor turbofan cutting edges since they are light weight, solid, and effortlessly created impervious to consumption. In any case, one downside is their expense.  

(d) A tool steel would be the best decision for a driling bit  since it is hard holds its hardness at high temperature and is wear safe, and, in this way, will hold a sharp front line.  

(e) For a cryogenic (low-temperature) holder, an aluminum alloy would be the best decision; aluminum alloys have a FCC precious stone structure, and along these lines, are flexible at exceptionally low temperatures.  

(f) As a pyrotechnic in flares and firecrackers, magnesium is the best decision since it touches off effectively and consumes promptly in air with a brilliant fire.  

(g) Platinum is the best decision for high-temperature heater components to be utilized in oxidizing atmospheres since it is malleable, has a moderately high softening temperature, and is profoundly impervious to oxidation.