2.25 or 9/4.
To solve this problem, you need to set up to equations with variables. Let q1 be the dynamic pressure of the slower fluid moving with velocity v1, and let q2 be the dynamic pressure of the faster fluid moving with velocity v2. Then,
v2 = 1.5v1
Given the equation q = 1 /2
nv2, substituting the dynamic pressure and velocity of the faster fluid gives q2 = 1 /2 n(v2)^2. Since v2 = 1.5v1, the expression 1.5v1 can be substituted for v2 in this equation, giving q2 = 1 /2 n(1.5v1)^2. By squaring 1.5, you can rewrite the previous equation as:
q2 = (2.25)( 1 /2 ) n(v1)^2=(2.25)q1
Therefore, the ratio of the dynamic pressure of the faster fluid is
q2 /q1 = 2.25q1 /q1 = 2.25
The final answer is 2.25 or 9/4.