Respuesta :
1. The truth is, every day we rise is like thunder — a clap of surprise.
2. Could be echoes of trouble, or blossoms of blessing.
3. You never know what garish or gorgeously disguised memories-to-be might rain down from above.
4. So, look up! Claim that cloud with the silver lining.
5. Our job, if you ask me, is to follow it.
6. See where it heads.
Like in everyday life, tone can either be angry, happy, sad, excited, formal or informal. This depiction of tone can also be applied to poetry. A reader or audience can read through a poem and detect the tone the poet is using to convey his message.
Tone can be formal, informal, playful, angry, serious or humorous, and the tone of a poem can even change throughout the poem.
While describing a poem,adjectives can be used to convey the reader's interpretation of the poem and how much he appreciates the poem or not.
Alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely related words.
"Claim that cloud", in line 4
"blossoms of blessing" in line 2
"memories-to-be might rain down" in line 3
These are some examples of alliteration used in the poem.
The poet develops the tone of the poem using alliteration as he implores the readers about the dawn of each new day. He describes it as thunder, echoes of trouble or blossoms of blessings. He's trying to set the stage using a descriptive formal tone.
The author also talks about the uncertainty of life in line 3.