The melting point of perovskite is 1980°C because the electrostatic attraction between atoms holds them closely together.
Perovskites are materials which have the same crystal structure as calcium titanium oxide (CaTiO 3 ). Perovskites take their name from this mineral first discovered in 1839 and is named after L. A. Perovski. A general chemical formula for perovskite compounds is ABX 3 , where 'A' and 'B' are two cations of different sizes, X is an anion that bonds to both of the ions in the pervoskite material. The 'A' atoms are larger than the 'B' atoms. Pervoskite materials are ionic and ionic substances are known to have a high melting point due to very strong electrostatic interactions present in the substance. Hence its high melting point of 1980°C.
Pervoskites have many different applications in science such as lasers, photovoltaics etc.