Problem 1: Experts on hypothermia tell us that heat loss from the body is much greater in 10°C water than in air at the same temperature. To test this, assume that heat transfer from a person can be approximated as that from a vertical cylinder of diameter D = 0.3 m and length L = 1.8 m, with a constant surface temperature of 37°C. Assuming that heat losses from the cylinder occur only at the lateral surfaces, calculate the ratio of the heat transfer rate from the cylinder to water to that for the cylinder to air. Data for the heat transfer properties for water and air can be found in the Appendix in Tables A.2-11 and A.3-3, respectively, and appropriate correlations can be found in eqns (4.7-4), and Tables 4.7-1 and 4.7-2. What do you conclude from this about your odds of survival if you fall into a cold water lake/ocean? (Hint: neglect the cylinder height restriction in Table 4.7-1).