The Net Present Value is - $20324
We can use our financial calculator to work out the NPV using the cashflows from the different periods and using the discount rate given. Which is 18%.
We have 11 periods. Starting off with CF 0. ( CF = cashflow ) We will work in Thousands to make it easier to read and compute. $ ' 000
CF 0 Machine Investment (750) Working Capital Investment (25) Total=(775)
CF 1 160 inflow
CF 2 160 inflow
CF 3 160 inflow
CF 4 160 inflow
CF 5 160 inflow
CF 6 160 inflow
CF 7 160 inflow
CF 8 160 inflow
CF 9 160 inflow
CF 10 160 inflow
CF 11 160 inflow. 35 salvage value from machine. Working capital 25. Total Cashlow = 220
We now use our financial calculator and input these amounts into the calculator.
We start of by entering the data and hitting ENT and do so for every Cash flow. At the end we press 2nd function CFI on our calculator. We then enter the discount rate of 18%. and press down button to get to NPV and then press COMP.
We get an answer of -20,32400407
We now need to put the amount into thousands. Thus = -20324,004
rounded to the nearest dollar we get - $ 20324