Respuesta :
See explaination
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct menuitem //defintion of a struct to store data about resturant
string menulist;
double price;
menuitem menu[8]; //Instance of a struct to store data of 7 resturant items
void getdata(); //prototype of a function to loads data about the items in struct
void showdata(); // prototype of a function show the loaded data
void selectItems(); //prototype of a function to select the items
void cal(); //prototype of a function to calculate the bill
int c[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int main()
double t;
getdata(); //Calling of a function to get load the data
showdata();//calling of a function to display data
selectItems(); //calling of a function select the items from the menu
cal(); //calling of a function to calculate the bill
return 0;
void getdata() //a function to get load the data
menu[1].menulist = "Plain Egg";
menu[1].price = 15.00;
menu[2].menulist = "Omelet";
menu[2].price = 15.00;
menu[3].menulist = "Paratha";
menu[3].price = 12.00;
menu[4].menulist = "French Toast";
menu[4].price = 20.99;
menu[5].menulist = "Fruit Basket";
menu[5].price = 120.49;
menu[6].menulist = "Coffee";
menu[6].price = 50.00;
menu[7].menulist = "Tea";
menu[7].price = 20.00;
void showdata() //a function to display menu
cout << "Breakfast items offered by the restaurant are" << endl;
cout << 1 << "\t" << menu[1].menulist << setw(12) << "RS " << menu[1].price << endl;
cout << 2 << "\t" << menu[2].menulist << setw(15) << "RS " << menu[2].price << endl;
cout << 3 << "\t" << menu[3].menulist << setw(14) << "RS " << menu[3].price << endl;
cout << 4 << "\t" << menu[4].menulist << setw(9) << "RS " << menu[4].price << endl;
cout << 5 << "\t" << menu[5].menulist << setw(9) << "RS " << menu[5].price << endl;
cout << 6 << "\t" << menu[6].menulist << setw(15) << "RS " << menu[6].price << endl;
cout << 7 << "\t" << menu[7].menulist << setw(18) << "RS " << menu[7].price << endl;
void selectItems() //function select the items from the menu
int ch,quantity;
char con;
cout << "Enter your choice :";
cin >> ch; //takes the choice from the user to select the item
cout << "Enter the Quantity :";
cin >> quantity;
switch (ch)
case 1:
c[1] = c[1] + quantity;
cout << "You have Selected :" << menu[1].menulist << endl;
case 2:
c[2] = c[2] + quantity;
cout << "You have Selected :" << menu[2].menulist << endl;
case 3:
c[3] = c[3] + quantity;
cout << "You have Selected :" << menu[3].menulist << endl;
case 4:
c[4] = c[4] + quantity;
cout << "You have Selected :" << menu[4].menulist << endl;
case 5:
c[5] = c[5] + quantity;
cout << "You have Selected :" << menu[5].menulist << endl;
case 6:
c[6] = c[6] + quantity;
cout << "You have Selected :" << menu[6].menulist << endl;
case 7:
c[7] = c[7] + quantity;
cout << "You have Selected :" << menu[7].menulist << endl;
cout << "invalid input" << endl;
cout << "to select more items (y/n)";
cin >> con;
} while (con != 'n');
cout << endl;
void cal()
double total = 0, tax, due;
cout << "------Welcome to Café international-----" << endl;
for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
if (c[i] > 0)
cout << c[i] << "\t" << menu[i].menulist << " RS " << menu[i].price << endl;
total = total + (menu[i].price*c[i]);
tax = total*0.17; //calculate the tax on the total price
due = total + tax; //calculate the price after adding tax
cout << " Tax " << "\t" << tax << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Amount due RS " << due << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl;