In the second and third paragraphs, what do the "dents" on Ahab's furrowed brow most likely symbolize?

A. Ahab's concern about the condition of his ship and crew
B. Ahab's lack of respect for the physical power of the whale
C. the impact that Ahab's struggle with the whale has had on him
D. the reckless disregard that Ahab has for nature and wild animals

Respuesta :


A. Ahab's concern about the condition of his ship and crew.


This refers to an excerpt from 'The whale' by Herman Melville. The story is about Ahab, a captain of his ship, and moby, a whale.

In the paragraphs as his custom, Ahab was found pacing on the deck deep in thought trying to imagine what the whale might do after he struggled with it. He was concerned about its whereabout and the result of moby ramming into his ship and crew.

Unfortunately, his thoughts fell through. Moby rams the ship with its forehead, sinks it and carried Ahab down the bottom of the sea.


C. the impact that Ahab's struggle with the whale has had on him