In the given passage, the rhetorical or persuasive language that has not been used in 'either-or-reasoning.'
Either-or-reasoning is a type of fallacy that is based on choosing between the two options and make a decision on which one to choose. It is also known with many names such as the fallacy of false choice, the Black and white fallacy, or excluded middle. In this, the choice has to be made between the two less likely scenarios or equally bad situations, so the choice will be made by choosing the least bad of the two.
For example, Either you smoke and be accepted in the group, or stay alone. So, both are bad situations smoking as well as staying alone without any friends.
The author has used rhetorical question in a sentence: 'Are you in for a treat?'
The sense of urgency persuasive strategy can be seen in the statement: 'There is a limited supply, so get yours now!'
Bandwagon is seen in the sentence: 'Everyone is asking about Superforce 80, so don't be left behind in the 20th century!'
Thus, the correct answer is C