Respuesta :
Select the right meaning for each of the following words from the options below:
A. Brahman: Brahman
B. reincarnation: reincarnation
C. dharma: dharma
D. Karma: Karma
E. nirvana: nirvana
a.the result of how a person lives; can be good or bad's personal duty
c.a feeling of perfect peace and happiness
d.the idea of living many times, in different forms; being reborn
e.universal spirit worshipped by the Hindus
A = c
B = d
C = b
D = a
E = e
Here is the correct and proper meaning to the following words described above:
A. Brahman: a feeling of perfect peace and happiness
B. reincarnation: the idea of living many times, in different forms; being reborn
C. dharma: one's personal duty
D. Karma: the result of how a person lives; can be good or bad
E. nirvana: universal spirit worshipped by the Hindus
A. Brahman: Brahman- e.universal spirit worshipped by the Hindus
B. reincarnation: reincarnation - d.the idea of living many times, in different forms; being reborn
C. dharma: dharma's personal duty
D. Karma: Karma- a.the result of how a person lives; can be good or bad
E. nirvana: nirvana- c.a feeling of perfect peace and happiness