1. Histone methylation occurs at different amino acids- activate or inactivate
2. A transcriptional activator binds an enhancer sequence- activate
3. Histone acetyltransferases attach acetyl groups to the N-terminus of histones- actiavte
4. Histone deacetylases remove acetyl groups from the N-terminus of histones- inactivate
1. Histone methylation is a process by which methyl groups are added to the histone proteins and may affect the transcription. The methylation of histone may activate or inactivate transcription depending on the amino acid is methylated.
2. Transcription activators are the proteins which bind to the enhancer sequence of DNA. This binding activates the transcription.
3. Histone acetylation adds an acetyl group to the histone amino acid at N- terminal which neutralizes the positive charge of the amino acid and the DNA is free.
4. Histone deacetylation is the process which removes the acetyl group from the histone amino acid and thus decreases the transcription rate.