See explaination for details
Step-by-step explanation:
Here n = 12 and p = 0.5109
steps :
Calc --> Random data --> Binomial --> Number of rows of data to generate : 10000 --> Store in columns(s) : C1
--> Number of trials : 12 --> Probability of success : 0.5109 --> ok
This will generate the size of 10,000 from Binomial distribution.
b. The Poisson(µ) distribution is the limit of the binomial(n, p) distribution with µ = np as n ? ?.
n = 80, p = 0.0125
Here µ = 80*0.0125 = 1
Calc --> Random data --> Poisson --> Number of rows of data to generate : 10000 --> Store in columns(s) : C2
--> mean : 1 --> ok
This will create sample of 10,000 from Poisson distribution.
d. Calc --> Random data --> Uniform --> Number of rows of data to generate : 10000 --> Store in columns(s) : C3
-->Lower endpoint : -2 --> Upper endpoint : 5 --> ok
This will create random sample of size 10,000 from Uniform distribution.
e. Variance = 1.9236
sd = sqrt(1.9236) = 1.387
Calc --> Random data --> Normal --> Number of rows of data to generate : 10000 --> Store in columns(s) : C4
-->Mean : 1.3172 --> standard deviation : 1.387 --> ok
This will generate random sample of size 10000 from Normal distribution.
f. Calc --> Random data --> exponential --> Number of rows of data to generate : 10000 --> Store in columns(s) : C5 -->Scale : 1.37 --> Threshold : 0 --> ok
This will generate random sample of size 10,000 from Exponential distribution.