Respuesta :
From the point of view of the settlers:
The American Indians were the first people to settle on this land. They are also the people who currently live in it. Therefore, if we want to acquire it, we have to buy it from them. This is not unfair, as long as we pay them a fair price. Moreover, we are going to make good use of the land, as we mostly want to use it for agriculture, while they do not take advantage of it in the way that they should.
From the point of view of the American Indians:
We do not have the right to sell this land. Even though we live here, we are not the owners of it, as no one owns nature. The land was given to us by nature, and we use it, but we cannot do with it whatever we please. We also have to consider the needs of other creatures that live in it, and of the future generations that will use it. Therefore, since we do not own it, we also cannot sell it.