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What lead to the Emergence of new states in the middle East was the Bad leadership style of many rulers in the middle East. Many countries in the middle East have high rate of employment and a bad economy. This has lead to many civil wars and Creations of New states in the middle East.
In 1948, a few years after 1945. There was the Creation of Israel, a Jewish state in the middle East When the United Nations Approved a plan to partition Palestine into a Jewish and Arab in 1947 but It was rejected by Arabs. On may 1948, Israel was declared an independent State. After the creations, many Jews in the Diaspora return to there nations
The British contribute a lot in the conflict between the Palestine and Israel. The British have a great diplomatic and commercial ties with Israel. Britain seized Palestine from the ottoman Empire during world war one. In 1917, Britain issue a pro Zionist Balfour Declaration, Which called for the establishment of a country for the Jewish people in Palestine. Britain established it authority under the mandate for Palestine granted by the league of Nations. Britain appointment a high commissioner in the place to coordinate the Jewish plan to build there own nation. Towards the end of world war two, the British face a Jewish insurgency but it could not defeat them so the British withdraw from the territory.
Later, after withdrawal,the British who has military forces in Egypt forsaw Military intervention and threatened Israel with war after Israel attack an Arab City. Eventually both countries engaged in a short war.