ummmmmm dont say ummmmmm plz
Water is a special liquid we all know of. We use this liquid known as water to keep us hydrated or alive yes we could stay alive off of coke, pepsi, or mnt dew. But if we did it would have major consequences on our lives most of those other liquids have tons of sugars and calories per serving while water is simple and helps the body our body is made up of 60% water so if we didn't have it the other 40% percent of our body couldn't survive. Water is a chemical compound and is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom so while it is hydrating us it is created out of one other key thing we need to survive. This special liquid can also be in two other forms ice and gas in which metts extreme cold and extreme heat to reach these new stages.
stay safe during qurintine. I spelled that wrong
hope u get a good grademon this re read this plzzzzzzzzz..