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Funny Names

"Hey, Margie," called Luke across the crowded lunch room. "Why don't you come and sit with us today?" Margie clutched her tray and hurried through the mass of students. She slid gratefully into a seat and took a swig of her bottled water.
"Thanks, guys," she told the group sitting at the table. Making new friends wasn't easy for her, a fact she blamed on her vagrant childhood. Somehow, though, Luke, Tess, and Paj had adopted her and made her feel at home.
"Have you started your Sociology 101 project, yet?" asked Tess through a mouthful of mashed potatoes. Margie groaned.
"No way," she replied. "What about you guys?"
"Yeah, we're working together as a group, and we're almost done," said Paj. "We were waiting to include you, if you want." Margie swallowed hard and stared down at her plate. While the "Find the Meaning of Your Name" project probably sounded like fun to most of her classmates, it just made Margie feel sick to her stomach.
"I don't know," Margie told Paj. "I was kind of hoping that Mr. Loup would let me do an alternate project this time." Her friends exchanged thoughtful looks.
"Why is that, Margie?" asked Luke.
"Um. . ." she stalled. "Well, I guess it won't hurt to tell you guys. As long as it never leaves this table!" Paj, Luke, and Tess held their fingers up in a solemn Boy Scout's salute.
"My real name is Margarine Porridge Smith," admitted Margie. "My parents have a very strange sense of humor. I always go by Margie so no one makes fun of my real name." Suddenly, her three friends burst out laughing.
"Margie, you are in good company," Paj said. "Allow me to introduce myself—I'm Pajama Thinkalotus Lewis. Oh, and meet my friends Luke Tightropewalker Davis and Tesseract-Ann Nikola Pizza Wysong." Margie gazed around the table in amazement.
"Are you serious?" she asked, hardly believing her luck. "All four of us have weird names?"
"Weird names and even weirder parents," replied Tess. "That's why we agreed to do our project together. No one outside this group ever needs to hear our real names."
"Let's get started then," Margie said, feeling the lump of anxiety in her stomach evaporate in an instant.
The author develops the story through
third person point of view.
second person, then first person point of view.
first person point of view.
third person, then first person point of view.

Respuesta :




First person means that the story is narrated with the pronouns "I", "my", "me", etc. However, there is no part of the narration that is like this, so eliminate C and D.

Second person means the story is narrated with the pronoun "you", but again, there's no part of the narration that is like this, so eliminate B.

Third person means that the story is narrated through the thoughts and actions of a character without using "I". Instead, it uses pronouns like "he" or "she". Here, the narration is in third person through Margie's thoughts.

Hope this helps!