Complete the Timeline of Early 20th Century American Literature by adding ONE literary title (short story, novel, or poem) and ONE influential event for that literary title for each of the decades listed. You will also need to explain how the two pieces are connected. You should be able to complete this by researching the events, filling in events on your timeline, however you may also use outside sources if you would like. You should have a total of eight events..
Timeline of Early 20th Century American Literature .
1900. . . . 1910. . . . 1920. . . . 1930.

Respuesta :

Boxer Rebellion in China
Italy's King Umberto I Assassinated
Kodak Introduces $1 Brownie Cameras
Max Planck Formulates Quantum Theory
Sigmund Freud Publishes The Interpretation of Dreams

Boy Scouts Established in U.S.
Halley's Comet Makes an Appearance
The Tango Catches On

Bubonic Plague in India
First Commercial Radio Broadcast Aired
Harlem Renaissance Begins
League of Nations Established
Prohibition Begins in the U.S.Pancho Villa Retires
Women Granted the Right to Vote in U.S.

Gandhi's Salt March
Pluto Discovered
Stalin Begins Collectivizing Agriculture in the U.S.S.R.

There are many notable examples for these periods. Some of them have been given below:

1900s - Theodhore Dreiser's Sister Carrie is considered among the significant titles of Naturalist Movement.

1910s - T.S.Elliot's 1915 poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is an example of early Modernist period.

1920s - The Emperor Jones by Eugene O'Neill was an experimental work, mixing expressionism and realism.

1930s - John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath realistically depicts the economic hardships and difficulties of farmers in Oklahoma.