¿Ser o estar?
Indicate whether each adjective takes ser or estar. ¡Ojo! Three of them can take both verbs.
1.delgada a.ser b.estar c. both2.canadiense a. ser b. estar
c. both3.enamorado a.ser b.estar c. both4. Lista a.ser b.estar
c. both5.Seguro a.ser b.estar c. both6.Enojada a.ser b.estar
c. both7.Importante a.ser b.estar c. both8. Avergonzada a.ser
b.estar c. both

Respuesta :

The difference between ser and estar is primarily in that estar is usually used for something that is not permanent, meaning that it can change. For example, a famous sentence from Mexican telenovelas: Estoy embarazada, which means - I am pregnant. It is not a state that will last forever. Having that in mind, here are the correct answers: 1. delgada (thin, but also of slender build) = C. both. 2. canadiense (Canadian) = A. ser. 3. enamorado (in love) = B. estar. 4. lista (ready, but also smart) = C. both. 5. seguro (sure, but also safe) = C. both. 6. enojada (annoyed) = B. estar. 7. importante = A. ser. 8. avergonzada (embarassed) = B. estar. So, only 1, 4, and 5 can use both verbs.