
Which event is described in this excerpt from Book 13 of Homer's Odyssey?

She spake, then touch'd him with her powerful wand:
The skin shrunk up, and wither'd at her hand;
A swift old age o'er all his members spread;
A sudden frost was sprinkled on his head;
Nor longer in the heavy eye-ball shined
The glance divine, forth-beaming from the mind.
His robe, which spots indelible besmear,
In rags dishonest flutters with the air:
A stag's torn hide is lapp'd around his reins;
A rugged staff his trembling hand sustains;
And at his side a wretched scrip was hung,
Wide-patch'd, and knotted to a twisted thong.
So looked the chief, so moved: to mortal eyes
Object uncouth! a man of miseries!

Respuesta :

After reading the excerpt from Book 13 of Homer's Odyssey represented above, I can clearly  see which event is being described, especially these lines led me to say this "In rags dishonest flutters with the air:
A stag's torn hide is lapp'd around his reins;
A rugged staff his trembling hand sustains;''. So, in this excerpt  Minerva disguised Ulysses as an Old Beggar. Cheers! 

This passage describes how Athena transforms Odysseus into a beggar. Odysseus has now returned home, and he is ready to go back to his wife, Penelope. She has been faithful to him all these years, but now is about to choose a new husband.

The house is full of suitors, and Odysseus plans to get rid of them. In order to help him, Athena disguises him. This is what is meant by the last lines: "a man of miseries." Odysseus is now a beggar.