Increase of greenhouse gases, due to human activity, is warming the oceans. This causes changes in climate. Name three Earth spheres which interact in this process. Justify your answer.

Respuesta :

The stratosphere mostly since that's what contains ozone, and secondly the thermosphere since this gets hotter with higher altitude. The mesosphere thirdly because that one gets colder with higher altitude but is supposed to, and climate change may alter that balance. Also, by process of elimination those are the three highest sphere, they go in this order: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and then exosphere which is also very hot but you're basically in space by then. The thermosphere is what we are being on the surface but it seems that greenhouse gases would naturally rise well above that, especially since in this lower sphere it gets colder with higher altitudes. They mostly get stuck in the stratosphere since that's the point where it starts getting hotter with higher altitude, and therefore they stop rising for the most part.

Hope this helps! :)


The three spheres of the Earth that interact in the process are atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.


Atmosphere: Melting of the glaciers is taking place due to depletion of the ozone layer that has permitted sunlight to fall directly and elevating the temperature of the Earth.  

Hydrosphere: Due to the above-mentioned phenomenon there will be an increase in the water surface that will possibly drown the lands if this takes place persistently.  

Biosphere: Various species are beginning to behave unnaturally because of the unusual climatic modifications.