1, 2 and 5 are clauses while 3 and 4 are phrases.
Clauses are those groups of words that have both a subject and predicate in the it whereas phrases have just a subject or a predicate in it. phrases do not have both subject and predicate.
1. My uncle told me a funny story about a mistake that he made at a hotel in Paris. Clause
2. Uncle Nestor, whose French is not very good, went to the front desk to ask for an extra blanket. Clause
3. The clerk at the desk looked puzzled. Phrase
4. It turns out that uncle Nestor had confused the word for blanket with the word meaning "flag". Phrase
5. The clerk thought my uncle wanted to wrap himself in a flag, which would not be very warm. Clause
Therefore, sentences 1, 2 and 5 have both the subject and predicate in them, while the others are phrases.