Respuesta :

Are we free to make our own choices in life ?

Since we were little we have been indirectly forced to obey the societal rules that exist upon as

Goes to school, obey your teacher, obey your parents, follow the authorities, etc

After doing this for a prolonged period of time, we will be subconsciously wired to think that everything that we do must always be aligned to the things that the society marked as "acceptable"

But the thing is , we don't have to.

Many Great inventors were condemned as an outcast in society. Thomas Alpha Edison , Albert Einstein, even Bill Gates. But the thing that separate these great people from the rest of societies is their capability to see what other's couldn't.

Of course at the beginning, people told them that they're wrong in pursuing their vision. But each of these people never gave up on their belief and finally able to shut those who may have  insulted them at the beginning

hope this helps
Although it sounds appealing to make one's own decision freely, it is actually an impractable goal as the society has exerted significant influence and restrictions on individuals and has shaped one's value of what they should do and what they should not do. In today's society, people are more free to make our own choices than we were before, but it is true that we canno indulge our interests at the cost of transgressing the basic rules of the society.

The first example is about the choice of curriculum. Nowadays, we are much less limited when choosing extracurriculum activities and collegial groups than people were before; however, there are basic disciplines which must not be neglected such as Mathematicis, English Literature, Physics and Chemistry. These disciplines are compulsory because they will greatly assist your future career and well-being, while choosing to ignore these compelling courses will undoubtedly result in a great obstable since you are not equipped with some of the most basic skills. Furthermore, you will be less likely to enroll in an outstanding university or college, which can be attributed to your choice of not taking these basic disciplines. Actually, everyone is provided with a concrete and immutable schedule for daily couses whcih will not be altered by any individual student withour a reasonable application and cogent explanation. From this example, we can see that there are courses that we hove to choose to study. In other words, we cannot make a choice totally freely on which courses to take.