Respuesta :
If there was a bio-diverse area, and it were to go through some extreme change in weather/climate, and only some of the organisms were able to adapt, that had probably affect the diversity.
Yes, there are natural events that can alter biodiversity bio index.
Biodiversity index refers to a formula that is used to calculate the amount of biodiverity that exist in a particular ecosystem. Bio diversity index can be high or low, a high biodiversity index indicates that various species of plants and animals are present in a particular location.
Natural events that could alter the biodiversity of a place include, earthquake, tsunami, flood, volcanic eruptions, drought, wild fires, etc. For instance, if a location experience a volcanic eruption, most of the plants and the animals there, may be completely wiped out and it might be very difficult for new plants to grow in the location again because of the eruption event. Such a location will have a low biodiversity index.