A plant grows faster and fuller due to large amounts of fertilizer. If the plant cross-pollinates with another plant later, how will the use of fertilizer on the parent plant affect the plant’s offspring?. A) All of the offspring will be taller than average because the parent plant’s genes were affected.. B) Some of the offspring will be taller than average because some of the alleles were affected.. C) The height of the offspring will not change because the parent’s genes did not change.. D) The height of some of the offspring will be taller if the other parent plant was also fertilized.

Respuesta :

The answer is "C" because nothing that your parents do, unless it directly affects/changes the gametes, will pass down to the offspring. Fertilizer is like food, how much your parents have eaten in their childhoods will have no effect on if you are under or over weight. (Unless their weight was by a genetic cause, that might have been passed on to you.)
C.  The height of the offspring will not change because the parent’s genes did not change