Music Help Please! ASAP! (fifth time posting question, really need help)
2. Choose one composer: Bach, Vivaldi, or Handel. Describe in detail the contributions that he made to the Baroque period. Be sure to include important musical compositions, Baroque characteristics commonly found in his works, and primary elements of his compositional styles.

Respuesta :


Many of the well known personalities from the first part of the Baroque period hail from Italy, including Monteverdi, Corelli, and Vivaldi. (By the mid- eighteenth century, our focus shifts to the German composers Bach and Handel.) Many of the forms identified with Baroque music originated in Italy, including the cantata, concerto, sonata, oratorio, and opera. Although Italy played a vital role in the development of these genres, new concepts of what it meant to be a nation increased the imperative of a “national style.” Differences between nations are often audible in music from the period, not only in the way music was composed, but also in conventions of performance; particularly obvious was the contrast between Italy and France
