What do you think was the most important legacy of ancient Greece? Explain and give specific examples from your reading to support your answer.

Respuesta :

Greek thought forms the basis of Western thought. There most important contributions are the principles of Socratic enquiry, mathematics and a priori philosophical reasoning. Moreover, there ideas of jurisprudence were developed by the Romans and are a profound influence on the European legal system.


Humanities & Culture:

  • Greek Language and mythology
  • Philosophy- seeking truth and wisdom
  • History as a discipline of study
  • The Olympiad

Fine Arts:

  • Life like sculptures of Idealized human forms
  • Classical Architecture- Symmetry and balance
  • Drama (Comedy and Tragedy)

Politics & Government:

  • Direct Democracy
  • Trial by Peers
  • The concept of citizenship

Science & Technology:

  • Habits of scientific observation and inquiry
  • Advancements in geometry and physics
  • Insights in geography and map making


Page 146 of World History: Our Human History

Im doing this for the K-12 Study Guide for Unit 3.