List three sets of contrasting words used by Everyman in his second soliloquy.

Alack! shall we thus depart indeed
(Ah, Lady, help), without any more comfort?
Lo, Fellowship forsaketh me in my most need. 305
For help in this world whither shall I resort?
Fellowship here before with me would merry make,
And now little sorrow, for me cloth he take.
It is said, "In prosperity men friends may find,
Which in adversity be full unkind." 310
Now whither for succor shall I flee,
Sith that Fellowship hath forsaken me? since
To my kinsmen I will, truly,
Praying them to help me in my necessity;
I believe that they will do so, 315
For "kind will creep where it may not go kinship/walk".

Respuesta :

Here are the contrasting words I found that Everyman used in his second soliloquy.

1) Fellowship & Forsaketh 

2) prosperity & adversity

3) merry & sorrow

The use of opposites to create meaning is a provoking rhetorical style. In the case of the play of "Everyman" more particularly in the excerpt provided from his second soliloquy, we can find words that are in contrast with others. "Fellowship forsaketh me" indicates the leaving of fine friendship in hard situations, although it might seem contradictory it creates a tone of melancholy. We can also read "prosperity" in opposition to "adversity" in the context of finding true fellowship in adverse circumstances. "Merry" and "sorrow" are also contrasted in meaning.