858.7 K or 575.7 C
First, you need to find your formula. This will be...
T2 = V1 x T1 = V1 x T2
Next, you need to find each of these values. This will be...
V1 = 158 mL
V2 = 450 mL
T1 = 298 K (25 C + 273 K)
T2 = ? (trying to find)
Next, add our values in to formula. You should get...
T2 = 450 mL x 298 K / 158 mL
Lastly, do the math. The answer should be...
858.7 K or 575.7 C
I would go with 858.7 K, but you did not specify in problem.
- If you have more questions on this please let me know. I would be glad to help!