Respuesta :

Before you can work with an unknown number, you need to give it a name.
93 out of every 100 people will call it 'X'.  It doesn't matter what you call it. 
You could call it "Ralph" if you wanted to.  I'll call it 'Q'.

Now, take it one step at a time:

-- The mystery number:            Q

-- Three times the number:    3Q

-- The sum of three times the number and four:     3Q + 4

-- Four times that sum:        4 (3Q + 4)

The question says that this is equal to 52,
so the Big Equation is
                                              4 (3Q + 4)  =  52

Divide each side by  4 :           3Q + 4  =  13

Subtract  4  from each side:    3Q        =    9

Divide each side by  3 :              Q        =   3