
If you were trapped in a black hole and called out for help, do you think anyone outside of the black hole could hear you? What if you shined a light or lit a flare? Explain your answer.

Respuesta :

When trapped in a black hole calling out for help wouldn’t result in anything. This is because sound waves can’t travel in a Black Hole. If I lit a flare or shined a light no one would be able to see it, the blackness would consume the light entirely. Furthermore, no one would even be around to see you, after all it is space. (Hope this helps!)

No sound or light can escape a black hole.

Black hole :

A black hole is a tremendous amount of matter compressed into a very small space. To give an idea of how dense a black hole is, you can consider compressing our sun onto a spoon. The name black hole is given because the gravitational pull is so huge that even light can't escape a black hole.

If you fall into a black hole the top of your head would have more gravitational pull than the tips of your toes that you would be stretched, longer and longer until you are dismantled down to the particle levels.

Stellar, intermediate, supermassive, and miniature are some of the types of black holes and none is friendly.

First of all the idea of being trapped in a black hole is nonsensical. Yes you would be trapped but in the form of atoms and other constituent particles. Definitely not able to call or shine a light.

But let's say you are trapped in a black hole. Your call or shinning of light doesn't matter because it can't escape the black hole.

Learn more about black holes:


Universidad de Mexico